"I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked..."

--Allen Ginsberg from "Howl"

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Dedicated to the memory of Allen Ginsberg and the profound influence his work has had on me personally and the world at large..

Allen Ginsberg
The son of lyric poet Louis Ginsberg and radical Communist and nudist Naomi Ginsberg, Irwin Allen Ginsberg was born on June 3, 1926 in Newark, New Jersey.
Growing up in Patterson, New Jersey, Ginsberg was shy and complicated, his home life dominated by his mother's bizarre and frigthening paranoid episodes. On top of this, he was engulfed by a lust for other boys his age.
It was in high school that Ginsberg found an interest in poetry, being first subjected to the poetry of Walt Whitman.Despite this interest, he planned a career as a labor lawyer, following the advice of his father.
As he began his freshman year of college at Columbia University, Ginsberg found a crowd of urban cowboys, fellow students Lucien Carr and Jack Kerouac, as well as their non-student friends William Burroughs and Neal Cassady.
Eventually, Ginsberg was suspended from the university. The influence of his new friends had destroyed his once bookish ways. It was at this point in time that he discovered Benzedrine and marijuana while spending his days with Times Square junkies. He also began cruising the gay bars of Greenwich Village. After a a passionate, sexual affair with Neal Cassady, which led Ginsberg cross-country to San Francisco and Denver (followed by Jack Kerouac, planting the seeds for On The Road), and his
  • Howl and Other Poems
  • Selected Poems: 1947-1995
  • Collected Poems
  • Cosmopolitan Greetings
  • Fall of America: Poems of These States
  • Illuminated Poems
  • Kaddish and Other Poems
  • Mind Breaths: Poems 1972-1977
  • Planet News, 1961-1967
  • Plutonian Ode
  • Reality Sandwiches
  • White Shroud: Poems 1980-1985
  • The Gates of Wrath (Out of Print)
  • This is by no means a comprehensive listing of Mr. Ginsberg's works.
    Titles available at

    arrest and imprisonment, Ginsberg renounced Burroughs and entered a 'Straight Phase'. He began psychotherapy and even maintained a hetero sexual affair with a woman. This, however, was not meantto last.
    By the age of 29, Ginsberg had written loads of poetry but was still not published. He put most of his effort into helping Jack Kerouac and William Burroughs reach print. In spite of this, he was the first Beat icon to achieve popular acclaim with his recitations of his new poem "Howl". Unlike Kerouac, Ginsberg did not fall victim to fame burnout. It's even been said that he mellowed at this point, having found Buddhism and falling in love with Peter Orlovsky, who remained a constant companion for thirty years.
    As the Beat concept evolved and fall to the wayside as popular cliche, Ginsberg threw himself in with the hippies, befriending the likes of LSD gurus Timothy Leary and Ken Kesey, turning on everyone he knew to this new psychadelic stimulant. He was also an active participant in many anti-Viet Nam protests and became an important factor in the revelutionary mindset that was spawned in the 60's.
    Irwin Allen Ginsberg passed away on April 5, 1997.